
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Happy teachers week

This job, often criticized but hardly appreciated... It is wonderful to have a week celebrating dedicated to teachers. There are plenty of hard working teacher. I am a teacher and my friends are teachers, trust me, it takes dedication, patience and a lot more to stay in teaching, you have my word. When school does not perform well, teachers are blamed. Even to choose schools, public views as though the teachers are so great in over achieving schools compare to under achieving schools. I will tell you now, this is not the case. You can take the same teachers from under achieving school and replace them with the teachers at over achieving school. You will not see the difference. Perhaps if you can see the difference, the school will be beyond over achieving. My colleagues are so dedicated and passionate about teaching, its amazing to see that there are so many good people out there when we believed that the world no longer consists of good people including us. Anyways, this post is dedicated to all my colleagues and hard working teachers out there. Don't give up no matter how difficult it looks in our eyes. Your dedication and hard work will go along way, beyond what syllabuses and academic materials can teach. Bravo! to end I say HAPPY TEACHERS WEEK!!!

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